
Our goal in this post is to eliminate as much unsafe code from main as possible. We will do this by using Rust’s type and lifetime systems to enforce hardware invariants. This is similar to what we did in the previous post for clock modes, but across all of our code.

We’re not going to end up with any new behaviors by the end of this post. We’re just laying a foundation of ways to think about using Rust’s safety features for hardware.

Hardware Allocation

The overall idea behind this post is that hardware should be allocated before a bit of code can use it. This implies the same things as a memory allocation in Rust:

  • The allocation itself is unsafe, but creation of a wrapper that handles deallocation is safe.

  • If user code attempts to allocation a resource that is unavailable, we must fail in some way.

Rust, of course, responds to a failure of memory allocation by aborting. In this blog series, we’ll typically panic. I prefer panics to an Option or Error type since they allow the example code to follow the happy path without getting bogged down in unwrapping. Panics also make it possible for us to include a useful message indicating which hardware unit was incorrectly allocated.

The MCG and OSC

We will start with the easiest structs to update. The hardware modules for the MCG and OSC are not dependant on any other modules, so they do not reqire the complexity that some of our other structs will.

The update to the OSC looks like this:

use volatile::Volatile;
use bit_field::BitField;

use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool,ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT,Ordering};

struct OscRegs {
    cr: Volatile<u8>

pub struct Osc {
    reg: &'static mut OscRegs

static OSC_INIT: AtomicBool = ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT;

impl Osc {
    pub fn new() -> Osc {
        let was_init = OSC_INIT.swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
        if was_init {
            panic!("Cannot initialize OSC: It's already active");
        let reg = unsafe { &mut *(0x40065000 as *mut OscRegs) };
        Osc {reg: reg}

    pub fn enable(&mut self, capacitance: u8)  {

impl Drop for Osc {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        OSC_INIT.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed);

There are lots of changes here. Let’s go through them all:

  1. We have a new import for AtomicBool, and some related bits.
  2. The old Osc struct is now called OscRegs
  3. There is a new struct called Osc, which holds a reference to the registers
  4. There is a new global AtomicBool acting as a flag to indicate when there is an outstanding reference to the Osc.
  5. The ::new function now returns an owned struct, instead of a reference. It will also panic if there is already an instance of Osc in use.
  6. We implement Drop for Osc, to indicate when there is no longer an active instance, and it is safe to create a new one.

It is important that we use an atomic boolean for this flag. Besides being friendly to Rust’s rules for global variables,an atomic protects us from race conditions when accessing the OSC.

The MCG struct is updated similarly, and uses an identical allocation pattern. An important addition with the MCG is that each of the clock state structs now own the MCG instance, and pass that ownership down the chain as the clock state is changed. Here’s all of the MCG code. I’ve left out the change to indirect all register accesses through the regs member, since that would balloon this example.

use core::mem;
use volatile::Volatile;
use bit_field::BitField;

use super::OscToken;

use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool,ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT,Ordering};

struct McgRegs {

pub struct Mcg {
    reg: &'static mut McgRegs

pub struct Fei {
    mcg: Mcg

pub struct Fbe {
    mcg: Mcg

pub struct Pbe {
    mcg: Mcg

pub enum Clock {

static MCG_INIT: AtomicBool = ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT;

impl Mcg {
    pub fn new() -> Mcg {
        let was_init = MCG_INIT.swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
        if was_init {
            panic!("Cannot initialize MCG: It's already active");
        let reg = unsafe { &mut *(0x40064000 as *mut McgRegs) };
        Mcg {reg: reg}

    pub fn clock(self) -> Clock {

impl Drop for Mcg {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        MCG_INIT.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed);

Remember Your Invariants

There is one more lingering piece of unsoundness in this code: The way we configure the MCG requires the OSC to be initialized, but nothing currently enforces this. We can fix this with a simple token type that indicates that the OSC is configured:

pub struct OscToken {
    _private: ()

impl Osc {
    pub fn enable(&mut self, capacitance: u8) -> OscToken {
    return OscToken::new()

impl OscToken {
    fn new() -> OscToken {
        OscToken { _private: () }

impl Fei {
    pub fn enable_xtal(&mut self, range: OscRange, _token: OscToken) {


Allocation for a Sim instance can be handled in the same way as for the MCG and OSC. We add an AtomicBool to act as a lock, and implement Drop to clear that lock when the Sim goes out of scope. I trust you can do this on your own at this point.

Clock Gates

The next problem we face with the SIM is clock gates. Ideally, we want clock gating to be tied to the allocation of a hardware unit - it should be impossible to have an outstanding reference to a piece of hardware without its clock gate being enabled, and vice-versa. The first is necessary for safety reasons - accessing hardware that is disabled will cause a hardware fault. The second is for power-efficiency reasons. Any hardware we’re not using should be turned off if possible.

We’ll handle this by moving allocation of most hardware units to the SIM. Let’s start with Ports:

pub struct ClockGate {
    gate: &'static mut Volatile<u32>

impl ClockGate {
    fn new(reg: usize, bit: usize) -> ClockGate {
        assert!(reg <= 7);
        assert!(bit <= 31);
        let base: usize = 0x42900500;
        let reg_offset = 128 * (reg - 1);
        let bit_offset = 4 * bit;
        let ptr = (base + reg_offset + bit_offset) as *mut Volatile<u32>;
        unsafe {
            ClockGate { gate: &mut *ptr }

impl Drop for ClockGate {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

impl Sim {
    pub fn port(&mut self, port: PortName) -> Port {
        let gate = match port {
            PortName::B => ClockGate::new(5, 10),
            PortName::C => ClockGate::new(5, 11),
        if gate.gate.read() != 0 {
            panic!("Cannot create Port instance; it is already in use");
        unsafe {
            Port::new(port, gate)

The new ClockGate struct uses the bitband to enable or disable a clock gate when it is created or dropped. The port allocation function passes ownership of the ClockGate to the Port instance. Let’s take a look at that now:

pub struct Port {
    reg: UnsafeCell<&'static mut PortRegs>,
    locks: [AtomicBool; 32],
    _gate: ClockGate,

impl Port {
    pub unsafe fn new(name: PortName, gate: ClockGate) -> Port {
        let myself = &mut * match name {
            PortName::B => 0x4004A000 as *mut PortRegs,
            PortName::C => 0x4004B000 as *mut PortRegs

        Port { reg: UnsafeCell::new(myself), locks: Default::default(), _gate: gate }

The move to a PortRegs struct is the same pattern we’ve seen for other hardware units so far. Wrapping the reference in UnsafeCell is due to how pins are handled - we’ll cover that shortly. The locks member is also for safe pin handling. The _gate member keeps the appropriate clock gate enabled for as long as this Port instance exists. The ClockGate will be dropped when the Port is - precisely what we want.

Safe Pins

Making pins safe requires some additional reasoning. Since a Port being dropped will cause the associated clock gate to be disabled, we know that a Port must outlive any associated Pin. This means that each Pin struct must borrow its parent Port. In order for multiple Pins to borrow a single Port, these must be immutable borrows.

This has an important implication: It must be possible to allocate a Pin from a borrowed Port - possibly even simultaneously in separate tasks or interrupt handlers. This is a form of internal mutability, and is why the PortRegs reference is wrapped in an UnsafeCell. Internal mutability often requires a bit more attention to detail in order to ensure safety. I believe that this implementation is safe, although I welcome any suggestions.

pub struct Pin<'a> {
    port: &'a Port,
    pin: usize

pub struct Tx<'a> {
    uart: u8,
    _pin: Pin<'a>

pub struct Rx<'a> {
    uart: u8,
    _pin: Pin<'a>

struct GpioBitband {
    pdor: [Volatile<u32>; 32],
    psor: [Volatile<u32>; 32],
    pcor: [Volatile<u32>; 32],
    ptor: [Volatile<u32>; 32],
    pdir: [Volatile<u32>; 32],
    pddr: [Volatile<u32>; 32]

pub struct Gpio<'a> {
    gpio: *mut GpioBitband,
    pin: Pin<'a>

impl Port {
    pub fn pin(&self, p: usize) -> Pin {
        assert!(p < 32);
        let was_init = self.locks[p].swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
        if was_init {
            panic!("Pin {} is already in use", p);
        Pin { port: self, pin: p }

    unsafe fn set_pin_mode(&self, p: usize, mode: u32) {
        assert!(p < 32);
        self.reg().pcr[p].update(|pcr| {
            pcr.set_bits(8..11, mode);

    unsafe fn drop_pin(&self, p: usize) {
        assert!(p < 32);
        self.locks[p].store(false, Ordering::Relaxed);

    fn reg(&self) -> &'static mut PortRegs {
        // NOTE: This does no validation. It's on the calling
        // functions to ensure they're not accessing the same
        // registers from multiple codepaths. If they can't make those
        // guarantees, they should be marked as `unsafe` (See
        // `set_pin_mode` as an example).
        unsafe {

impl <'a> Drop for Pin<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

As before, each Pin is really referencing only a subset of the Port struct - the particular pcr register for that pin. This makes our usage of UnsafeCell in the set_pin_mode function safe, as long as the correct pin number is passed in. The various Pin::make_* functions enforce this invariant, wrapping the unsafe set_pin_mode in safe functions.

The Gpio, Tx, and Rx structs now also hold on to their associated Pin struct. This is simply to ensure that the correct Port remains borrowed for as long as these structs are in scope.

Cleaning up the UART

We’re almost there! The UART has the most complex requirements, but they build off of everything we’ve done so far. Just like a Port, a Uart instance must hold on to a ClockGate. It also must keep track of the pins it is using, both to prevent the associated Port from being dropped, and to keep the pins themselves from being used elsewhere.

We’ll start by adding a ::uart method to the Sim, to do the allocation, and go from there by updating the Uart struct itself to own the various necessary structs. These are actually simpler changes than were necessary for the Port struct - we already did most of the heavy lifting when we made that safe!

impl Sim
    pub fn uart<'a, 'b>(&mut self, uart: u8, rx: Option<Rx<'a>>, tx: Option<Tx<'b>>, clkdiv: (u16, u8)) -> Uart<'a, 'b> {
        let gate = match uart {
            0 => ClockGate::new(4, 10),
            _ => panic!("Cannot enable clock for UART {}", uart)
        if gate.gate.read() != 0 {
            panic!("Cannot create Uart instance; it is already in use");
        unsafe {
            Uart::new(uart, rx, tx, clkdiv, gate)

use volatile::Volatile;
use bit_field::BitField;

use core;

use super::{ClockGate,Rx,Tx};

struct UartRegs {

pub struct Uart<'a, 'b> {
    reg: &'static mut UartRegs,
    _rx: Option<Rx<'a>>,
    _tx: Option<Tx<'b>>,
    _gate: ClockGate

impl <'a, 'b> Uart<'a, 'b> {
    pub unsafe fn new(id: u8, rx: Option<Rx<'a>>, tx: Option<Tx<'b>>, clkdiv: (u16,u8), gate: ClockGate) -> Uart<'a, 'b> {
        Uart {reg: uart, _tx: tx, _rx: rx, _gate: gate}

A New Segment

Several of the updated structs above use global AtomicBool instances to keep track of whether they are in use. These booleans are stored in a new executable section called .bss. We must initialize all data in this section to zero at program startup.

We’ll add the new section to our linker script, then write a simple function to zero the data at startup.

    .bss : {
         . = ORIGIN(RAM);
         _bss_start = .;
         _bss_end = .;
    } > RAM

extern {
    static mut _bss_start: u8;
    static mut _bss_end: u8;

unsafe fn setup_bss() {
    let bss_start = &mut _bss_start as *mut u8;
    let bss_end = &mut _bss_end as *mut u8;
    let bss_len = bss_end as usize - bss_start as usize;
    let bss = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(bss_start, bss_len);
    for b in &mut bss.iter_mut() {
        *b = 0;

The new no_builtins crate attribute prevents the compiler from trying to convert our loop in setup_bss into a call to memclr, which does not exist in our embedded world. The new setup_bss function is also unsafe, since it directly manipulates memory that is in use by other parts of the program.

Printing Panics

Our new code relies on panics quite frequently to indicate when something has gone wrong. Nothing should panic if you’re following this series closely, but in the future we’ll rely on panics in more complex code. We can use our UART to send panic messages back to a host computer, making it easier for us to track when something has gone wrong:

static mut PORT: Option<Port> = None;
static mut WRITER: Option<Uart<'static, 'static>> = None;

fn teensy_panic(pi: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
    if let Some(uart) = unsafe { WRITER.as_mut() } {
        write!(uart, "Panic occured! ");
        if let Some(format_args) = pi.message() {
            core::fmt::write(uart, *format_args).unwrap();

    // Reset the MCU after we've printed our panic.
    let aircr = unsafe {
        &mut *(0xE000ED0C as *mut Volatile<u32>)

This code uses a couple of global variables to make a UART available to the panic printer. The printer also now resets the microcontroller, instead of hanging. This requires accessing a register we don’t have a struct for yet, so we cheat and write to its address directly.

Putting it Together

We’ve now expanded our types to use more of Rust’s features to ensure safety. Let’s put it all together with a new main that uses less unsafe code:

extern fn main() {
    unsafe {

    // Enable the crystal oscillator with 10pf of capacitance
    let osc_token = Osc::new().enable(10);

    // Set our clocks:
    // core: 72Mhz
    // peripheral: 36MHz
    // flash: 24MHz
    let mut sim = Sim::new();
    sim.set_dividers(1, 2, 3);
    // We would also set the USB divider here if we wanted to use it.

    // Now we can start setting up the MCG for our needs.
    let mcg = Mcg::new();
    if let Clock::Fei(mut fei) = mcg.clock() {
        // Our 16MHz xtal is "very fast", and needs to be divided
        // by 512 to be in the acceptable FLL range.
        fei.enable_xtal(OscRange::VeryHigh, osc_token);
        let fbe = fei.use_external(512);

        // PLL is 27/6 * xtal == 72MHz
        let pbe = fbe.enable_pll(27, 6);
    } else {
        panic!("Somehow the clock wasn't in FEI mode");

    // Initialize the UART as our panic writer. This is unsafe because
    // we are modifying a global variable.
    unsafe {
        PORT = Some(sim.port(PortName::B));
        let rx = PORT.as_ref().unwrap().pin(16).make_rx();
        let tx = PORT.as_ref().unwrap().pin(17).make_tx();
        WRITER = Some(sim.uart(0, Some(rx), Some(tx), (468, 24)));

    let portc = sim.port(PortName::C);
    let mut gpio = portc.pin(5).make_gpio();

    loop {};

Two of our remaining uses of unsafe are clear: Clearing the .bss segment, as we discussed earlier, writes to memory that is used by other parts of the code. It must be unsafe. Modifying the globals used by the panic printer is also unsafe.

But what about the watchdog? Any modification to the watchdog settings requires knowledge of how the program itself is structured. A misconfigured watchdog will reset the microcontroller at unexpected times - or fail to reset it when a program has failed. Since it is impossible to handle the coordination between watchdog settings and software design programmatically, it is better to leave it unsafe, to indicate that extreme caution is needed.

Next Time

Now that we have patterns for allocating hardware units, we’ll continue to expand our toolbox of hardware units. We’ll configure interrupts and a timer to interact with some external hardware - a WS2812B RGB LED strip.